"C1" is designed and made by CreativeWorkshop. Brief description from them:
C1 (Cylinder #1) is a SD Cylinder Puzzle; The puzzle is locked up by 9 metal pins of different sizes. Your goal is to examine and discover where and how these pins lock up the puzzle. Using the two rings, move and navigate the pins to unlock the puzzle. The puzzle can be rotated and opened in the middle once solved revealing the centre cylindrical compartment of D:1.5cmxH:6cm (D:0.6"xH:2.4") in size.Warning: C1 is NOT an easy puzzle (Level 9), the player has to fully understand how the puzzle works before being able to solve it. Clue card with the picture of size/number of pins included.
3D printed in PLA* filament, pre-assembled and available in three beautiful colours: Glitter Purple. C1 is a palm-size puzzle that will keep the player busy for hours/days...A perfect gift for a puzzle lover.
Dimension: D:6cm x H:7cm (D:2.4" x H:2 3/4")
Weight: 100g
Solution/Reset instructions: On request. 9 Pins (M3x12cmx6, M3x18cmx1, M4x14cmx2), 10 steps to solve the puzzle.
The puzzle is not rated. Suggest Level 9 (1 easiest, 10 hardest).
*Contains small pieces and is not intended for anyone under 16yrs of age.
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